5 Bathing tricks for flawless skin

Bathing is a must for healthy hygienic skin. Not just for cleaning but you can turn your bathing time into beauty treatment. If you love your skin, pamper it with right tricks using these tips for flawless skin. Here are they!

The right temperature

We all love to have a hot water bath. This may make you feel nice and relax but hot water can rip of your skin of its natural oils. The skin becomes dry and dull, prone to damage. Keep the water temperature just right.

Use bathing salts

Bathing salts are great for detoxifying skin and improving its texture, smoothness and softness. They o not dry out skin such as soaps or body washes do. You can turn your bath time into a spa ritual for relaxing and pampering your skin.

You can try this Bathtub detox DIY too!

As smooth as milk

Beauties with gorgeous bright skin swear by using milk as a bathing agent. It has lactic acid and enzymes that keep your skin soft, smooth and promote health cell renewal. Also, it is safe from chemicals such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.

Go organic

Organic bathing products do not contain chemicals like regular ones. They promote health of your skin cells, increase elasticity and suppleness keeping the skin firm and young. You can make your homemade bathing mixture using besan, milk, and lemon juice or try the natural ones available in market.

Don’t over scrub

Exfoliation is nice but don’t over scrub. It can cause rashes and itchiness. Use a cream based exfoliation cream or mixture and scrub your skin only once or twice a week. You can also use homemade scrub mixtures.

Hope you will like all these tips!

Happy skin!

Lots of Love!!!
