17 Tips To Help You Achieve A Rihanna-Worthy Manicure
We nail art and nail polish lovers have a special thing for our nails. After all, they are our playground where we can show our creativity as well as flaunt that new nail polish haul we got from on the earlier shopping spree. But there are some practices that we all do which can harm our nails badly.

From not eating right to filing nails when they are wet, we all have committed these sins. How about keeping tour nails in perfect condition for that flawless manicured look.

From not eating right to filing nails when they are wet, we all have committed these sins. How about keeping tour nails in perfect condition for that flawless manicured look.
Here are some quick tips that you need to know for Rihanna-worthy manicure!
1. Carry around a nail file or have several on hand so that you can sort out broken nails ASAP.
“I would always bite my nails if one broke, so now I take a few minutes to reshape it with a nail file so it’s not on my mind and that problem is solved – which also cuts back the number of hangnails.”
Submitted by Melissa Biemans, Facebook
2. Use a crystal/glass nail file.

“Use a glass file and file only in one direction so that there’s less shredding.”
Submitted by Elizabeth Jean, Facebook
3. Always use a base and top coat.
“When people ask me for tips, every single time I say to invest in a good, non-cheap top coat and base. OPI is a great brand and I use their top and base coats. They are about $8 each bottle of polish.”
Submitted by lorinasims
4. And repaint the top coat regularly to make it last longer.
“When I paint my nails, I always put a new, thin clear coat on every other day. It keeps them looking pristine for at least a week.”
Submitted by Adrienne Brooke, Facebook
5. Try the Seche Vite top coat.

“I stumbled upon this top coat based on Amazon reviews and I will never use another top coat. As someone who does their nails two to three times a week, I always had issues with chipping and crease marks from not letting them dry. This top coat not only has an amazing shine but also is completely dry less than two minutes! Not even joking – this top coat hardens everything so you don’t have those ‘forever drying’ nails.”
Submitted by hollik
6. Seal the nail polish by painting around the edges too, to prevent chipping.
“For a long-lasting manicure, wrap the tip of your nail when applying your base coat, colour, and top coat. My polish stays for a week to a week and a half when I do this, no chipping.”
Submitted by alexis5402
7. Make cuticle cream a regular part of your routine.

“The most important thing to do is keep them moisturised. Nothing can help strengthen a nail that’s already grown out but you can ensure new growth is strong and flexible by moisturising your cuticles every day. I use Lush Lemony Flutter which has long been a holy grail product for the nail community and with good reason!”
Submitted by jessicav27
8. Treat yourself to a regular manicure.
“Find yourself a nail technician that you can’t live without, and you’ll be amazed as to how easily you can justify the cost.”
Submitted by stutzyc
9. Stop using your nail clippers!

“NEVER CLIP YOUR NAILS! Unless they are way too long to file down – in which case, clip them to a mid-length and then file them down. Clipping your nails breaks them right at the edge (sort of like a split end in your hair) and once they get to a certain length they’ll start peeling or cracking.”
Submitted by shibalove
10. Use gloves when washing the dishes or doing other activities that might damage your nails.

New Line Cinema
“Keep your nails out of excess water by using gloves whenever possible.”
Submitted by Jess Alba, Facebook
11. Shape your nails into a rounded shape because that’ll make them less likely to break.
“I would recommend filing your nails in a more rounded shape as the pointy corners that stick out in square shaped nails tend to break and chip a lot easier.”
Submitted by Zoe Bullock, Facebook
12. Try jojoba oil for your cuticles.

“Jojoba oil is magic for both my cuticles and my nails!”
Submitted by Nichole Nelson, Facebook
13. Avoid acetone-based nail polish remover…
“Try to use as little acetone as possible – it dries everything up. Also, go as long as you can between changing polish to prevent drying, but if you have to use acetone use cuticle oil after to add moisture.”
Submitted by rileyp4f3a12cc5
14. …and try peel-off nail polish instead.
“Use a peel-off base coat so you don’t need to use acetone (nail polish remover wrecks your skin). UNT’s Ready for Takeoff is amazing – I started using it a couple months ago and I’m never going back. You can just pop off your polish in one solid piece. It’s the only way to do glitter nails. My cuticles look 10 times better now that I don’t need acetone every few days.”
Submitted by madeleined400dd298d
15. Try raw garlic as a fragrant, low-cost, all-natural nail strengthener.
“I apply garlic to my nails, it’s ridiculously easy and cheap, and you see results quickly. Just take a small piece of raw garlic, break it in half, and rub it over your nails. Let it sit for a while, and then you can wash your hands to get rid of any stickiness. Made my nails grow long and strong, and you don’t even have to do it regularly! Just every once in a while, when you have time to sit and you don’t need to go anywhere where it would be bad to smell like garlic, give it a try!”
Submitted by rubyc490cf3341
16. Paint your nails a dark colour when you’re growing them out.
“When I am trying to grow my nails out, I paint them a dark colour. A nail artist once told me that darker colours have an ingredient that helps the nail not break as fast, whereas the paler ones chip faster and make your nails break. I tested it and for me either it’s black, dark red, or purple. As long as I don’t bite them, they can go for weeks without breaking!”
Submitted by Mia Gkana, Facebook
17. And of course, DON’T BITE THEM!

“Don’t bite them! I know it’s super obvious but the more you leave your nails alone the stronger and nicer they will be! Take it from a recovering biter!”
Lots of Love!!!
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