DIY: Peel off nail polish Barrier

You must be familiar with liquid latex or Liquid Palisade, the brand popular used around the world for flawless manicures. We love those Ombre, Gradient, and glitter nail arts but the mess they cause around the nail is an issue.

Although Liquid Palisade and other such products are easily available but who wants to invest in them. I can buy 2-3 New nail polish bottles at that price instead, What say girls!

Instead of investing in liquid latex I thought of making one at home using my very favorite craft glue. It is pretty much the same and cheaper!

The things you will need:

Craft Glue (Mod Podge, Fevicol or any other available in your area)
A clean nail polish bottle
Water ( If the craft glue is of thick consistency, use only about a couple of drops and not more to make it polish consistency)

Here is the tutorial that will help you further!

I hope this Peel off nail polish barrier or home made latex glue comes in handy for you girls. Share your ideas with me on this.

Lots of Love!!!


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