Vitamin E has been known for its anti oxidants property and for benefits for healthy heart. Its uses whether internally or externally is beneficial for a complete health. Vitamin E has been used in body lotions also due is moisturizing properties. Apart from all these, Vitamin E has a very good effect on hair as well. Vitamin E can help in making bad hair good and also helps in hair loss.
· Hair loss: Vitamin E facilitates in the growth of capillaries due to which the circulation improves. It is a common notion that improved circulation on the scalp helps in preventing hair loss.
· Grows Hair: due to capillary growth, vitamin E can help hair to grow. This increased circulation speeds up the growth of hair follicles resulting in fast growth of hair in many people. Yet additional nutrients are required to prevent split ends, help heal hair damaged by excessive use of a hair dryer, and cure dry hair as well.
· Gives Healthy Body For Healthy Hair: Vitamin E contains valuable antioxidants that help to keep the immune system up and improves circulation to all parts of the body, including the scalp. Resulting in good body internally and healthy body externally.
Foods rich in Vitamin E can be found in abundance and they are cheap and easily available too. Foods like Almonds are the best whole food source of vitamin E, in the form of alpha-tocopherol. Eating almonds daily can give you healthy hair. Some other foods are- wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, hazel nut, avocado, asparagus, kiwi fruit, spinach, turnips, mangoes, tomatoes, papayas, broccoli, pumpkin, the list really long. Pick one of your desired choices and fulfill the Vitamin E need of your body.
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